10 Bucks 4 RAMP
Only $10.00!
Owner: Dennis Conwell

An original hire to develop the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s Responsible Alcohol Management Program (R.A.M.P) in 1993.

Worked for the PLCB for 9 years as an Alcohol Education Specialist/Western Region R.A.M.P. Representative.

The only PLCB-RAMP Online Server/Seller provider that was employed by the PLCB as a RAMP Trainer.

Was a Master Trainer for the Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management (T.E.A.M.) program that provides server training nationwide for those employed in stadiums and arenas.
Our name says it all, 10Bucks4Ramp!!
- No special codes or coupons are needed to get this great price!!
- This training has been approved by the PA Liquor Control Board.
- As an employer, you can buy bulk vouchers if you want.
- As of August 2016, all new hires that serve alcohol and/or do carding MUST have successfully passed this course within 6 months of being hired unless the person successfully completed a PLCB-RAMP Server/Seller training prior to being hired.
RAMP Server/Seller Training for Pennsylvania
Act 141 of 2000 established the Responsible Alcohol Management Program (RAMP), a voluntary certification that provides incentives for licensees that participate and complete all five components: Owner/Manager Training, Server/Seller Training, New Employee Orientation, Signage and Affidavit Request for RAMP Certification. This training is valid for the server/seller training component. Although RAMP certification is voluntary, it can be mandated under the following circumstances: • For any licensee who has been found guilty by an Administrative Law Judge of sales to minors or visibly intoxicated persons • As part of a conditional licensing agreement (CLA) • Prior to obtaining a wine expanded permit
Disclaimer: This website and online training program were not created by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB), however, the course has the approval of the PLCB as a valid curriculum for the Responsible Alcohol Management Program (RAMP), server/seller training and is provided by 10Bucks4RAMP.
PLBC Website: https://lcb.pa.gov